SB Fluid Art

SB Fluid Art is an organic technique that activates eco-friendly water-based acrylic paint in bold and unique ways. Part art, part alchemy, each design is as unpredictable as nature itself – bringing together a specially crafted recipe of inks, mediums and acrylics.

This innovative process is the result of years of experimenting with paints as a mixed media artist – creating microcosms of attracting and repelling colours; each element invoking chaos in an attempt to seek balance. It is a formula that mirrors the ebb and flow of the natural world in so many ways – perfectly aligned to the ethos and karma of surfing.

Just as no two waves are ever the same, each SB Fluid Art design tells its own story – free flowing and inspired by Mother Nature.

 Surf Look Book

To view SB Fluid Art designs on Gary McNeil’s custom surfboards, click below to download a copy of the current range.

To order boards contact Gary McNeil Concepts.